Poems for Claudia

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22 Songs for Claudia Valentini Radio Padova
Wrote : Andrej Grampovčan Gylan
In September and October 2016
 add October 2017
20 Poems For Claudia Valentini Radio Padova

Song 1
If I am sincere,
to burn in fire your life,
where your white teeth are biting microphones
and are your brown beautiful eyes of a full land,
among your black eyebrows,
that are like oars of the Veneto gondola,
it means becoming ash
and nothing any more to feel and to like it.
Ash, that breath of your passion is scattering because dead thing
eternities love in peace
and your loves are like rocks within field.
It is hard to discover sincere people today,
It is impossible to believe anything today.
Clowns have large white – red smile,
a face drawn across,
also when they cryalso,
when they are going …
Song 2
Rain drizzles slightly in October.
And yet, before tired eyes dream dream, you tell expensive my,
that I don't want to be only chapter from your daily in story.
And Romeo and Julija were common amateurs if you don't know,
victims of unhappy circumstances and you are dead now.
Therefore he changes script.
I am not being left to accident,
because I am too old for scarfs on my bill.
If I will give, I will give everything,
otherwise I will rip out away and you will break story.
Sorry, but I am not playing an extra.
Good night my cove, my last shadow self,
that is poured out with theme.
I know, that you are unreachable and I admire you,
because you are laughing without cause never,
because you aren't blowing smoke from a mouth …
When I would have you,
I wouldn't ask me about horoscope,
I wouldn't speak in selfish dual,
I wouldn't start to dream with lustre within eyes absent-mindedly at once
about biological meaning of life, natural reproduction.
I would cover elegantly,
that life consists of thousand tiny banalities.
Wait for me with wish in a linchpin and eyes will glare to me,
and my palms will be opened and my hug will be wide.
Song 3
You know, my dear,
I feel so alone, so empty on our mutual sky
as never before.
All these dirty, identified on the walls, stainless steel mesh, fences,
all these unknown people around me ...
... So many unknown people empty ...
All these shadows choking me ...
In memory of the dead is no longer living.
I listen to the words, which long ago took the wind
and I am looking forgotten lost track degrees
which have long since fallen into the rain.
Now since there is no more! Now I'm alone!
Only you have, but also you're somewhere far away,
as in the misty apparition ...
And I waited, that finally I spotted your long black hair,
your laugh in the teeth,
that I hear your voice,
that I feel your kiss on my heated brow,
however, more and more afraid,
that desire in vain.
Song 4
Chestnuts smell of a death within autumn …
And slowly rotting leaves are burying a withered memoirs.
I will be remembering you always
with dissolved, black, long hairs
and your voice in the middle of August.
I am gazing at fire of the deceased of fireplace today all evening
and I am burning down memory in mirror of a palm.
Heart is to locked in a tower. A mouth is trapped, soul is bent.
Where should I put down the clothing of dead love?
I sit on the hill of world and I search for springs of new words
maybe for at that time, when our time will be hugged again?
Song 5
Who self, that hear you?
Who self, that am feeling you?
How should I meet you?
How should I know, that you live?
Can I say love to you?
My eyes don't see everything,
therefore they listen to beat of a heart.
My words are sent from a fiery heart
and verses became sole way,
that both are meeting on naked.
You know, I don't trust people,
that aren't looking at eyes
and they are promising much and they do nothing.
I don't trust people,
that fit a hand softly,
that are so clean, that they forget that their it anyhow smells bad from an ass,
that believe in something blindly,
which isn't there.
I don't trust people,
that are rising up regardlessly,
that it is to confess to,
that they masturbate,
that speak too much and also that,
that only are quiet …
It is hard to throw away love,
that have it and things,
that he is eating it enough.
Love is tired never.
It is the ambulatory ship of silence,
that is driving from everywhere to nowhere.
Wish is after prayer and it doesn't have survival and peace.
This time, when I dream you,
night is being evoked in you.
Song 6
From far me calls your voice.
Do you say, should I go, as still time is?
If I walk behind voice, blind, because I know, where I go.
Love words from my mouth, they don't go anyhow from habit,
although eyes see some beautiful female.
Love is cruel activity. It excites beauty and he wakes up fear.
If I come across a horribly beautiful female in a park,
I would be whistling at her thirty years ago.
I would accost her politely twenty years ago.
I would invite her for coffee ten years ago.
I am looking behind it today long
and her eyes don't see me.
There is a little of song about last love,
about a grey hair, wrinkled cheeks, heavy walk …
Last love is constant, persistent, as autumn fog.
Barely a prostate gland is in a tired linchpin for one love.
Blood is being decanted slowly in compact vessels.
Aged lovers daydream about past,
at former nights, at former passions.
They are calling an each other by names of youthful loves.
Memory is a so unreliable witness.
Aged lovers aren't swearing more loyalty towards grave.
There is to a death of still some tiny steps.
Last love goes over and still forward.
If you want to love me, loves me all.
All my colours, which sun them cuddles
and all just are hiding my temple.
Song 7
I like your pasta with Bolognese sauce and parmesan cheese.
I love you and your lips,
because I know, that you are different of all my exes.
Because you are good and charitable, cruel, lustful, cold, impish,
because you are living, touchable,
because you are everything,
and yet elusive.
I like you.
Song 8
Summer fell silent.
Faces, leaves, ways … came to a standstill
Sun is in zenith.
And you are taking a walk ashore in teeth of winds alone, barefoot.
Your looks are piercing irritated waves of blue eyes.
Still how you miss warm greeting, a smile, hug of from flowers to bells.
Someone, that likes you, asks party far,
he will manage to enter your greenhouse sometimes,
he will manage to treat next to your hot springs sometimes,
he will manage to be young on your body sometimes
and he is waiting , that run out all rustling to bottom
and that erectly lifted goes among your steep precipices.
Move is out of this play with you so far,
there is no victory and there is no defeat.
Hope is within fluctuating of a heart.
We will be you on the same seaside maybe once and ego,
the Muse of my blues,
because I am not sole this time,
that is drugged with drink of love on your lips
and is it giving away solar words on voice to you?
Song  9
He is eternal every moment.
Graveyards are revived without breath.
Lustreless in eyes, distress of hands,
loves are smoke without fire.
Thought doesn't allow to sleep per you.
You were my world. You stepped on a heart.
You drank up tears to bottom.
And our gold doesn't have shine. Our time stopped.
You are his bought world. Artificial Romanticism.
Gold, that is glistening.
Beauty, that it must be knocked down by it.
And if is not for your, only lightnings and we.
If a boy is young and beautiful, you forget all world,
but on shoes, comb and heap of suits.
That homes would make something,
somewhere he wants others -A good fairy.
And these social networks train you,
something may not be life,
something may not occur with this world.
And every rose has also thorns.
And many tears are behind all beautiful moments.
Maybe only sun knows,
for who are all these shadows and lost in dreams eyes?
Song 10
We are being glued together with saliva.
Love soften the language.
Kiss is blue.
My breath is your breath.
On the ground in the sun room
drawing our shadows.
And when I put down still words for you
on your hot lips,
you smell me and you touch me until an end
and me sip as uterus lovely seed.
Song 11
Today in this crazy quick time person my,
you even ask,
what would a sky be without birds,
trust without truths?
Some would be truths without frank cheeks,
a cheek without beauty on a face?
What would hug be without warmth Of Inas life without love?
What would dreamless nights be and world without song?
For everything need the person of moa of a some heart, some tears, some sweat,
some effort and some fates.
And if you find lives on a walk round been cancelled leaves within autumn
among trees of the female of degree,
that speak about lovethis is everything,
which longs for your heart,
that again it is happyas already long not.
And a heart is happy, if a female is right
and large cares aren't with her.
And you watch her from dispassion after.
You are looking at it and you are thinking about it,
that you realise it better, that you can appreciate it.
You see a for the first time refined lady as it, self think, that a lady is from a devil.
But a lady is refined only on the outside.
He forgoes laughter never
and he is boiling over of fortune with wind within a hair,
when he is wrapped up in a jeans and a T-shirt.
And you stay young in a linchpin always,
although you aren't young any moreif you like yourself,
 because you can divide love only like this not all, that you don't lose yourself.
Song 12
October stepped with icy feet on the floor of a country.
Fog is killing voices of a heart.
You don't separate tears from sea any more.
Sea you waters eyes.
Your skin is cracking round stitches.
Eyes are dwindling, however you are here.
You are withdrawing mast from your ship.
Sun is being evoked on horizon.
You sail world between reefs again
and you are wiping towns of memory behind yourself.
You are alone with the lifted knife within hands again.
Fear is coming slowly always.
You shake,
because you know,
that a god didn't let you be ablethat
I would be moving courses of world.
You hear sounds from distance on waves of wind,
some knits female the long hair in whales
and it is drawing folds on a face
and she is hiding eyes.
You are forgetting her name
within foams of sea
between a high tide and a low tide.
Buses are full of your dream again.
And you catch the light
in your time periods every day.
There allows to be love always.
This is holy without right echo.
And you know this already long.
Song 13
When you lose dream,
life without breaths and exhalations is starless,
for ropedancer swing without a floor under legs.
And dreamless love draws rainbow without colours.
If I want to meet you,
I must be lost in you
and to smell you,
that I find the Milki way.
And if I want to smell you,
I must see you naked.
And if I want to see you naked,
I must have you next to myself.
And if I want to have you next to myself,
I must meet you.
And when I will meet you,
I will speak to you about a red rose.
Song 14
You are young and hungry for glory.
You kill gently and you tramp shadows of broken hearts.
You are leaving graveyards of broken wings behind yourself.
Your heart is wordless stone and it doesn't know:
who is laughing, he risks, that him will they consider a fool.
Who cries, he risks, that it will look overly emotional.
Who stretches an arm out, he risks, that he will be engaged.
Who uncovers his feelings to others,
he risks, that he will uncover right ego.
Who before crowd of people spreads out his ideas and dream,
he risks, that he won't be loved.
Who loves, he risks, that his love won't be returned.
Who lives, he risks, that he will die.
Who hopes, he risks, that he will be disappointed.
Who tries, he risks, that he will fail.
And if not nothing don't risk,
you do nothing and you have nothing,
life is empty.
You can avoid suffering and sadness.
However an end is with learning.
Emotions are empty,
you aren't changing any more,
you don't grow and you don't love.
You are handcuffed to your certainty and you become a slave.
You squandered freedom, because only that, that risks, is free.
Song 15
You search for peace during a day.
You don't find it.
And when soul hurts,
you kill another night,
and you forget dream.
You back off to quiet corner of a heart
and you are waiting,
that sun is blooming again
as flower on a sky.
And you are singing after again,
as lips don't love,
and tears don't hurt.
And when you love again,
You love,
as eyes aren't closed
and lips don't burn down.
And where is she?
This, that has her in a head.
Telephone rings in emptily.
At home her is not.
Thoughts are staying
and words are letting on.
Song 16
I am like a shy bird with closed eyes.
Birds are singing for me in a head
and from the head of thought me fly.
I hear your sound from distance again.
Life is dark cavity without love.
Love is the light of life, isn't knowing of fear not of hypocrisy.
Love isn't a knife, that cuts, it isn't an arrow,
that hurts and it isn't a hammer, that hits.
Right love is that, that is giving and that expects nothing.
Love is spring of sweet nectar and it is tender as flower.
Where trust is love is there.
Where love is peace is there.
Where peace is bliss is there.
And there is a God there where bliss is.
Award for love is love alone.
How I need you here,
as a desert needs waters,
that get drunk of your tenderness
and I am drunk of love again.
I want, that also you like it.
And I will be these broken and beautifully after
laid against my legs and you said,
that I love you.
And you will be searching spark weakness in my looks.
And we will breathe an each other long.
Song 17
 I don't know, who you are.
Only your name show up for, that wind drifts.
I am like the bird before a forthcoming thunderstorm.
And you are hiding eyes,
because you are afraid of someonethat is wishing for you passionately,
because your look is flamethat it would like to burn down in in.
I know, that this love is impossible
for chat, smile, blinking with eyes,
that drops all blueness of your soul
and that you will be happy.
Only with words to touch self wish to.
And I may dream.
But dream is from such substance,
that kills nobody, it costs money nothing
and windowless heads live in space, roofs and door
and they are taking a walk after night without slippers barefoot.
I know, that I am the boy of odes far and that precipice between us is deep.
And it can give shine, if moonlight suddenly pales night without light.
It is hard to melt other to other.
To tell oneself stories, to be laughing, to be waiting for crossbones looks, that are hinting at converging.
I thought, I can make new story finally. Only for us.
You would tell,
how I lived before this meeting, what habits I had, what I search today for, what is upsetting me, which doubts are driving away me, which words are calming me down, when do I need silence, much talkative silence and tendernesses.
Song 18
I showed you all the flowers in my garden.
And all my stars in the sky.
But you only are quiet and you are laughing.
My smile is in front of door of your lips.
Shots from my eyes aren't sin.
But I know,
that you lie with other man naked.
I see your cramp on a face.
A letter,
that I wanted to send you,
I ate in a mouth.
I know,
 it's hard to be a woman sometimes.
I only am catching your reflection.
Nothing don't say fucking witch.
You don't care about a broken ship on coast.
You know,
I wanted to find some used words from junkyard.
About seasons and pain.
About dream and about winter,
That I'd comforted and touch you,
and I conjured up a whisper of wind.
I loved women once, courted them.
I was picking up fallen females on a floor.
But I am tired and fucked up today.
Just I wanted to meet you.
You know,
that solitude sucks.
And it likes going still to words.
Song 19
The eyes of my heaven are the streets of my heart,
They are full of bright lights and they also burn,
when they turn off the night and set their feet on their feet.
I'm not going back anymore. Sleep was enough.
Life is too short. No more questions! I know where to go!
Birds are coming back. No more guts on the innards and tears of the blind.
Wound up the wounds. There was too much blood in the ocean of passion.
After the battles are all generals. Just forward! Just forward!
Smile is my face. Joy is my life.
Sadness is buried. Suffering is suffering.
In my mind there are unreachable horizons.
I'm flying with you bird.
Perhaps in your lap is the desire hidden?
Perhaps your hand needs my hand?
Who knows? The silence of the echo and your mouth are silent.
It's hard to die alone.
Remember these words of my bird,
When it's going to be bad, when everything goes wrong,
there's someone you do not know about there
 and who still hopes to see you somewhere, once
and he realizes your real self and your true voice.
Why should I lie to myself and feel the fate of my own,
To be in a bad mood for me in time?
I have a face and if I do not like it either,
I'll say it all the time! And I just think that,
That's right! And why should I be afraid of my words?
Song 20
There is an ocean between you and me.
I'm putting on ships all day long.
Looking into the sky and guessing who you are?
Are you a bird or anyone?
Your cold killed everything,
what used to be.
Too many of your eyes,
the eyes of the rich with the mouth of sloth.
You don't offer anything.
It's just my time between us,
which runs through your riverbed,
But you don't return him to the day out of the underworld.
Song 21

My dear, now you want me back,
but I ask you,
why did you kill a part of my heart yesterday,
that the flow of time has taken me away far away
and I had to forget about love,
that she had to die,
even before she wanted to kiss?
My dear, do you really think,
that there is another reason,
to stay here, to love you,
when the tears dried up
and the heart no longer hurts
and when I realized, what are you?
I'm not Romeo and you're not Julia.
And if there is a god,
Let's get down from the sky
let your portion of the world smash,
Let's kill your part of  heart.
I wish you good night forever
and you know,
I was dead, when I went away.
And when I look at your closed eyes today,
You still live in clouds from the porch
and you are all in the lies of this world,
even though this world is crazy in the head.

 Song 22

Today is a rainy, autumn day.
Empty, as if time had been frozen.
Full of leaves on the ground.
Where should I go and walk alone without the sun?
Nobody's waiting for me at home.
You've been away from me for a long time.
You were the last to throw me on the ground.
I remember once you passed by.
You were smiling and told me:
"Come on, laugh! Laugh! " And I was laughing.
It was beautiful to me with you.
Like I was drunk with sweet wine full of beautiful dreams.
I was looking for a warmth. I got cold hands and a grave.
And you just played with me and laughed.
But there are no winners in love!
Only love is the one who always wins and the flag rises to the top.
And there is not a hero who can kill a part of another heart,
but the one who can raise itself from the bottom of hell.
The candle must come to an end,
that the shadows shine and forget the memory,
how the earth shook under me,
that the threat was not given anywhere,
when I was dying alone and it was hard for me.
My dear, you say that you are not for me.
After all, I really don't have anything left,
Let me tell you, goodbye!
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